A Special Report On Our Extra Steps To Build In Quality
52 Things That You’re Not Likely To Find In Homes Built By Other Builders In Central Florida
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25 We prep every home we build for future installation of water softeners. This is an expensive option from the other builders who even offer it, but it’s standard in FLC homes.
26 We specify only drywall made in the USA. We take great care never to use drywall from China or other questionable sources.
27 We use 5/8” drywall on all ceilings. Although more expensive, it ensures flatter ceilings and a better appearance.
28 We never “short” drywall installers by making them use scraps to finish up walls. Using only large workable drywall segments is more expensive, but results in a better finished product.
29 We use only new and “fresh” drywall with the paper seals still on the joints. Again, this results in straighter walls.
30 We use top-of-the-line Sherwin Williams paints. Every paint company makes several grades of paint, and most builders use a base “contractor” grade. We use Sherwin Williams top grades for better application and protection against the elements. On our exterior wall finishes, we use two coats of Sherwin William’s Loxon elastomeric paint and then a finish top coat of Sherwin William’s Super Paint. Some builders may spend the money for one or the other, but we specify both, which we believe is the best possible finish solution.
31 We install our tile floors under cabinets and plumbing fixtures. Many builders install cabinets and fixtures first then tile to them. Our way is the right way, even though it uses more tile and takes more time.
32 We use an anti-fracture membrane under all tile flooring. This membrane greatly reduces the chances of tile floor cracks in your home over traditional tile flooring installations that other builders use.

33 We use the “Kurdi” shower system. This high tech system costs considerably more than standard installation techniques, but it offers vastly superior installation and protection against water intrusion.
34 We use special caulk engineered to match your tile group wherever it meets with other items, like door sills, in order to further minimize potential floor tile problems
35 FLC’s standard light fixture package is several grades higher than many builders’ standard fixture lines. And, all of the fixtures are available in a choice of finishes.

Kurdi Shower System
36 We install more efficient gas furnaces and water heaters at no additional charge. Additionally, you may choose either a gas range or an electric glass top range at no additional charge and will prep your home for either an electric dryer or a gas dryer, again at no additional charge.
37 We install upgrade level kitchen appliances in your home, including an over-the range microwave vented to the exterior, a dishwasher with sound insulation, a half-horsepower disposal, and your choice of a deluxe self-cleaning gas or glass cooktop electric range. We also offer not only quality General Electric brand appliances, but also the option to
purchase many other brands of appliances as well at special builder pricing.
38 We include a choice of four different styles of lever locks for ease of use and better appearance. Each of these styles is available in two different finishes. We also offer options for new keyless lock systems such as those shown at right.
39 We offer a variety of interior door styles as no-charge options.
40 All FLC homes include whole-house electric panel surge protection. While it costs extra, we feel it’s an important element in helping to protect the electrical systems in your home.

41 All our homes are equipped with a 14-SEER A/C system with a programmable thermostat as a standard feature.
42 We use “MERV-10” air filters in the A/C systems, which results in cleaner air inside your home as well as a more efficient air conditioning system. Other builders install standard fiberglass filters which cost much less. And, all our A/C filters are located in a special compartment on the A/C system, not up in the ceiling for safer access and maintenance.

43 We take the time to seal off every air vent during the construction process so You’re a/C ductwork isn’t infiltrated by construction dust that could be blown out into your new home after move in.
44 We offer better standard faucets than many builders.
45 We offer better standard carpeting than many builders.
46 FLC has more flooring alternatives than many builders.
47 NEW! We use a special epoxy finish as standard on our garage floors and an acrylic topping on the front and rear porches of our homes. This isn’t typically a standard feature in homes of ANY price range.
48 Our landscaping standards are higher than many builders.
49 We utilize a more expensive but more water-wise drip irrigation system for all plants and shrubs.

50 FLC includes 1-year Builder’s warranty as a standard feature. This warranty is for all the working parts of your home and is as inclusive as any on the market.
51 As an extra layer of long-term protection, we offer a 10-Year insured structural warranty through Residential Warranty Corporation. This helps protect your long-term investment in your home by ensuring that any covered structural problems will be rectified for 10 full years.
52 FLC utilizes a top-of-the-line web-based warranty system. We average six days from the day a homeowner turns in a warranty issue, to the day we get it corrected and signed off. The majority of our service calls are handled in three business days or less.

We hope this information has been helpful to you as you make the decision as to which company you will trust to build your new Florida home. We look forward to the opportunity to work for you in creating the home that is perfect for you.
If you have any additional questions or if you would like to discuss starting a new FLC home, please contact our sales office.
This document was updated on June 15, 2017 and may not reflect the specifications or building standards of homes purchased prior to this date.
Due to continuous product improvement, specifications, prices, specifications, and other aspects of FLC homes are subject to change at any time without notice.